Instant collaboration
for remote teams

All in one place for your remote team to chat, collaborate and track project progress.

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Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements: they all live tidily together in Team. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating online is as easy as collaborating in person.

Your Hub for Teamwork

Simple Task Management

Task management with Team is as simple as it gets. No complicated layout and need for user training. Your team members will intuitively know how to navigate the platform.

Scheduling that actually works

Integrated a Team calendar with your favourite calendar app, be it Google Calendar or iCal.

Each member works with their favourite calendar, while all the data is synced with the master calendar.

What people say about Team

Vestibulum eu quam nec neque pellentesque efficitur id eget nisl. Proin porta est convallis lacus bl the royts fiof dg yhre rocto.

Amy Goldberg
COO at Slack

Flummoxed by job, kvetching W. zaps Iraq. Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. A very bad quack erat ut magna santa foirra.

Jacob Jones
CMO at General Electric

Donec sed erat ut magna suscipit mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi in orci risus. Donec pretium f is the lorpa sorbi sisosg ritd somno.

Eleanor Pena Goldberg
Engineer at Nintendo

In a laoreet purus. Integer turpis quam, laoreet id orci nec, ultrices lacinia nunc. Aliquam erat vo tswerw sfrtw dskt df  df df loro.

James Russell
COO at Team

Flummoxed by job, kvetching W. zaps Iraq. Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. A very bad quack erat ut magna santa foirra.

Jacob Jones
CMO at General Electric